The Ultimate Full-Stack TypeScript Toolkit.
...Tailored to Your Needs
Use Only What Matters - Build Faster, Smarter, and Cleaner!
Next.js offers an optimized, flexible approach for building React applications, making it the industry standard.

TypeScript enhances JavaScript with type safety, making development smoother and less error-prone for all levels.
Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS is a utility-first framework for creating responsive, customizable designs without unnecessary configuration.

ShadCNShadCN provides modern, accessible UI components and utilities, focusing on minimalism and ease of integration.
tRPCtRPC offers a seamless TypeScript-based solution for frontend and backend communication, without the complexity of GraphQL.

NextAuth.jsNextAuth.js is a flexible, secure authentication library, integrating easily with databases to manage users and sessions.
Drizzle ORMDrizzle is a TypeScript-first ORM that simplifies database interaction with type-safety and flexibility for SQL databases.

PrismaPrisma is a TypeScript-friendly ORM, offering a type-safe API for working with SQL databases and MongoDB.